Search Results You are viewing: Subject Search for children of divorced parents - fictionSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items 1 each from this page1 each from all results 1 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 Simply add a title by clicking the . * Your Discounted Price Elk hunt adventure [Wilderness Ridge]by Roe, Monica Paperback(Stone Arch, 2022)Publication Date: 01/01/2022 BTSB #: 761818 Temp OS Dewey: FAges: 8-11 AR: 4.2 MG Lexile: 660 F&P: S Genres: Sports Family Life Subjects: Hunting - Fiction Elk - Fiction Red deer - Fiction Father-daughter relationship - Fiction Children of divorced parents - Fiction Storms - Fiction Emotions - Fiction Rescue work - Fiction Summary: Twelve-year-old Coral is excited to be going on an October elk hunt with her father in the Colorado mountains, but when he announces that he is getting remarried she is upset and angry with him--but when a big storm rolls in and her father is injured by his skittish horse she has to put aside her feelings and fears and concentrate on making it down the mountain safely. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 7.37 * 0.00 +- * Your Discounted Price You can't see me! I am INVISIBLE! 1 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 1 each from this page1 each from all results You are viewing: Subject Search for children of divorced parents - fictionSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items Loading...