Search Results You are viewing: Subject Search for ocean travel - historySort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items 1 each from this page1 each from all results 3 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 Simply add a title by clicking the . * Your Discounted Price Que fue el Titanic? [Que Fue?]by Sabol, Stephanie BTSB PreboundSPANISH(Penguin Workshop, 2025)Publication Date: 04/01/2025 BTSB #: 774303 In Bindery Dewey: 910.9163/NAges: 8-12 Lexile: 740 Genres: Subjects: Titanic (Steamship) Shipwrecks - North Atlantic Ocean - History|y20th century Ocean travel - History Rescue work Disasters Spanish language - Reading materials Summary: Find out why the great ship went down and how it was discovered seventy-five years later. In Spanish. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 15.94 * 0.00 +- Science on the Mayflower [Science of history]by Enz, Tammy BTSB Prebound(Capstone Press, 2022)Publication Date: 08/15/2021 BTSB #: 312053 Available Dewey: 974.4/NAges: 7-11 AR: 5.4 MG Lexile: 800 Genres: Subjects: Mayflower (Ship) Pilgrims (New England colonists) Shipbuilding - History Ocean travel - History Agriculture - Massachusetts - History Human settlements - Massachusetts - History Diseases - Massachusetts - History Massachusetts - History|y1620-1691, New Plymouth Summary: You may have heard of the Mayflower and how the ship carried the pilgrims across the sea. But did you know that science played a big role in their voyage? Learn how science helped the Pilgrims make the journey across the ocean and build a new home for themselves in the New World. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 27.14 * 0.00 +- What was the Titanic? [What Was?]by Sabol, Stephanie Paperback(Penguin Workshop, 2018)Publication Date: 03/06/2018 BTSB #: 774286 Temp OS Dewey: 910.9163/NAges: 8-12 AR: 5.6 MG RC: 5.4 3-5 Lexile: 820 F&P: V Genres: Subjects: Titanic (Steamship) Shipwrecks - North Atlantic Ocean - History|y20th century Ocean travel - History Rescue work Disasters Summary: Find out why the great ship went down and how it was discovered seventy-five years later. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 4.91 * 0.00 +- * Your Discounted Price You can't see me! I am INVISIBLE! 3 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 1 each from this page1 each from all results You are viewing: Subject Search for ocean travel - historySort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items Loading...