Shh! we have a plan Author: Haughton, Chris | ||
Price: $23.08 |
A funny story of best-laid plans--and the secret to attracting the birdy.Download a Teacher's Guide
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Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: LG Reading Level: .80 Points: .5 Quiz: 168870 |
Kirkus Reviews (08/01/14)
School Library Journal (+) (10/01/14)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (+) (00/11/14)
The Hornbook (+) (00/11/14)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 10/01/2014 PreS-Gr 2—In a gorgeous nocturnal landscape of deep purples and blues, four figures go marching along. The three big ones are holding nets, and the little one trails slightly behind. Suddenly, they spy a bright pink bird in the tree. "Hello, birdie," calls the little one. "Shh," reprimands the first one. "SHH!" hisses the next. "We have a plan," explains the third, holding up a birdcage. They tiptoe towards the bird with hilariously expressive body language until, "ready one…ready two…ready three…GO!" But the bird easily evades them, and the three end up in a tangle while the little one looks on. The scenario and "shhs" repeat, and finally, while the big ones are literally down the creek without a paddle, the little one makes friends. In a breathtakingly rich spread, a flock of colorful, jewel-toned birds appear and drive the schemers into retreat. Echoing the opening, the big ones quick-step along under the moonlit sky, nervously glancing behind them and dragging the little one along. The story seems over, but they haven't quite learned their lesson yet. A masterful delight, this crafty caper has huge kid appeal and a title/refrain that will easily sneak into the family lexicon: shh! We have a plan. This perfect blend of circular narrative, deceptively spare art, and humor becomes a story that kids will want to read at storytime, at home, and to themselves if no adult is handy. Plan to make this title a first purchase.—Anna Haase Krueger, Ramsey County Library, MN - Copyright 2014 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.