Miosotis Flores never forgets Author: Burgos, Hilda Eunice | ||
Price: $23.76 |
When Miosotis Flores discovers that her sister Amarilis's fiance is physically abusive to her, she must decide how to help, while also caring for a rescue dog and pursuing better grades in school.
Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: MG Reading Level: 4.10 Points: 10.0 Quiz: 514109 |
Kirkus Reviews (09/01/21)
School Library Journal (10/01/21)
The Hornbook (00/11/21)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 10/01/2021 Gr 5 Up—Miosotis faces many social issues in her young life, including racism, physical abuse, and animal cruelty. Although each issue does not specifically touch her, she comes into contact with them through her family or at school. As a 13-year-old, Miosotis tackles each issue fervently. Her Abuela, Papi, and brother Jacinto teach her about her culture and how they have faced racism due to their Dominican background. Because she is very close to her college-age sister, Amarilis, Miosotis is able to figure out that something is not quite right between her sister and her boyfriend. Her friendly neighbors, Miss Mabel and Gina, teach her about respect and responsibility as they foster neglected pets, one of which Miosotis hopes to call her own. Her two best friends, Olivia and Zoe, are faithful companions who offer support and advice as Miosotis confronts issues that seem beyond her control. With such a tight-knit circle of friends and family, Miosotis is bound to be successful. VERDICT Readers will find a connection with Miosotis and gain insight on how to proceed in difficult social situations. Recommended for realistic fiction collections.—Martha Rico, Yselta I.S.D., TX - Copyright 2021 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.