Bound To Stay Bound

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 Virginia Apgar (She Persisted)
 Author: DasGupta, Sayantani

 Publisher:  Philomel (2021)

 Dewey: 617.9
 Classification: Biography
 Physical Description: 54 p., ill., 20 cm

 BTSB No: 258841 ISBN: 9780593115770
 Ages: 6-9 Grades: 1-4

 Apgar, Virginia, -- 1909-1974
 Anesthesiologists -- United States -- Biography
 Women physicians -- United States -- Biography
 Physicians -- United States -- Biography

Price: $20.98

There weren't many women who tried to become doctors when Virginia Apgar went to medical school. Among her many accomplishments, she's best known for creating the Apgar test to check the health of newborn babies.

 Illustrator: Flint, Gillian

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   Kirkus Reviews (03/15/21)
   Booklist (02/15/21)

Full Text Reviews:

Booklist - 02/15/2021 This newest biography in the She Persisted series introduces readers to Dr. Virginia Apgar, the pediatric anesthesiologist pioneer who invented the Apgar score, the standardized measurement used to evaluate newborns in hospitals all over the world. Apgar battled institutionalized misogyny and graduated from medical school in 1933, going on to practice innovative medicine, teach, learn to fly, build her own musical instruments, advocate against the stigma of birth defects, and charm everyone who ever met her. The brief, chronological chapters and accessible text offer several anecdotes that help young readers understand what an accomplished woman she was, appreciate the importance of her contributions, and allow her wit and personality to come through. The occasional black-and-white line drawings also help move the action along. As in previous outings, the final chapter offers suggestions on how to honor Apgar's legacy: lend a hand to a family with a newborn; learn to play a musical instrument. References are also included, making this equally appealing for report writers and readers looking for role models. - Copyright 2021 Booklist.

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