Bound To Stay Bound

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 Stellarlune (Keeper of the lost cities)
 Author: Messenger, Shannon

 Publisher:  Aladdin (2022)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 728 p.,  21 cm

 BTSB No: 639707 ISBN: 9781534438521
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

 Adventure fiction
 Fantasy fiction
 Psychics -- Fiction

Price: $25.88

Sophie Foster changed the game. Her friends are divided and scattered, and the Black Swan wants Sophie to focus on their projects. But her instincts are leading her somewhere else. Stellarlune--and the mysterious Elysian--might be the key to everything. As the Neverseen's plans sharpen into terrifying focus, it appears that everyone has miscalculated. The Lost Cities' greatest lie could destroy everything.

Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: MG
   Reading Level: 5.50
   Points: 24.0   Quiz: 517649

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