Bound To Stay Bound

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 Great Bear (Misewa Saga)
 Author: Robertson, David

 Publisher:  Puffin (2021)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 229 p., map, 21 cm

 BTSB No: 758820 ISBN: 9780735266131
 Ages: 10-14 Grades: 5-9

 Native American children -- North America -- Fiction
 First Nations children -- Fiction
 Quests (Expeditions) -- Fiction
 Bears -- Fiction
 Forest animals -- Fiction
 Fantasy fiction

Price: $23.08

Back at home after their first adventure in the Barren Grounds, Eli and Morgan each struggle with personal issues: Eli is being bullied at school and tries to hide it from Morgan, while Morgan has to make an important decision about her birth mother. They turn to the place where they know they can learn the most, and make the journey to Misewa to visit their animal friends. This time they travel back in time and discover that the village is once again in peril.

   Kirkus Reviews (+) (08/01/21)

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