Bound To Stay Bound

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 Greenwitch (Dark Is Rising Sequence)
 Author: Cooper, Susan

 Publisher: Atheneum M. K. McElderry Books (-1)

 Classification: Fiction
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 BTSB No: 241337 ISBN: 9781665932936
 Ages: 8-12 Grades: 3-7

Price: $7.37

The priceless golden grail that Simon, Jane, and Barney Drew worked so hard to recover has been stolen by forces of evil. Great-Uncle Merry takes the siblings back to Trewissick in Cornwall, where he expects the Dark has hidden the grail. There, they are joined by Will Stanton, a mysterious boy with astounding powers. But there are more forces at play than they realize, and when the village women create the disturbing ritual creature called the Greenwitch.

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