Are we there, Yeti? Author: Anstee, Ashlyn | ||
Price: $24.48 |
When Yeti, the school bus driver, takes the class on a surprise trip, everyone wants to know ... are we there, Yeti?
Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: LG Reading Level: .80 Points: .5 Quiz: 175963 |
Kirkus Reviews (04/15/15)
School Library Journal (06/01/15)
Booklist (06/01/15)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 06/01/2015 A riff on the common refrain parents and teachers know so well—but here children repeat this familiar phrase with a twist. They are on a bus trip, and the driver is a yeti. Impatient and squirmy, the kids ask again and again, “Are we there, Yeti?” but Yeti only answers, “Not yet!” as he drives on. Promising a surprise, Yeti drives past the park and the beach and up and down tall mountains. By now the antsy kids scream: “I’m hungry!” “I’m bored!” “I’m thirsty!” Eventually they shout: “ARE WE THERE, YETI?” A grinning Yeti answers, “Yes!” as they arrive at their destination high in the Himalayas. Remarkably, a swarm of yeti children come out to play. Together, the kids go sledding, make snowmen and snow angels, and have an energetic snowball fight until it’s time to go. Speech bubbles and blocky cartoonlike illustrations done in gouache capture the rambunctious children. Yeti is a crudely drawn hero, sketched in off-white with big teeth and lots of personality. A romp. - Copyright 2015 Booklist.
School Library Journal - 06/01/2015 PreS-Gr 2—Sans any claws and with rounded teeth, this yeti—more marshmallow than monster—makes the perfect bus driver for a class field trip. The gouache and Photoshop illustrations show a pleasant enough journey past the park, the beach, and through the countryside, with the final stop on a snowy mountaintop to visit with a group of yeti children for an interspecies cultural exchange. It is Yeti's encouragement and enthusiasm that helps all the young ones overcome their initial shyness for some fun in the snow until it's time to go. Large comic speech bubbles present the vocal, oft-repeated road trip tropes, from the title pun, to "I'm hungry/thirsty/bored," and finally "Are we home, Yeti?" Travelers, or anyone stuck in the car for extended amount of time, will easily relate. VERDICT A handy title for those looking to feature gentler monsters in their storytimes.—Joanna K. Fabicon, Los Angeles Public Library - Copyright 2015 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.