Bound To Stay Bound

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Booklist - 09/01/2017 Barnaby, an energetic little rabbit, is late for school. He has a bit of a problem with remembering things, and today it’s his glasses that have vamoosed. Careful readers will notice that the glasses are on his face. (It’s amazing, actually, how long it will take some readers to notice this.) While brushing his teeth, he spots them, jarring him from ruminations on things he never forgets (like writing letters to Santa) to admitting some of his failures: not hanging up his wet swimsuit and not returning library books. Then a new realization: it’s downright fun to lose things because of how great it is to find things. Collet-Derby’s infectious ode to being scatterbrained gets a lot of mileage out of his irrepressible protagonist, who shifts from gape-jawed horror to giddy beaming at the drop of a hat. Primary colors fill in artfully sketchy outlines, mostly in small scale—though the two-page spread of a horde of raccoons feasting on trash Barnaby left out is a joy. Now, does Barnaby remember that today is Saturday? - Copyright 2017 Booklist.

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