Bound To Stay Bound

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Booklist - 09/15/2016 Demi retells a Chinese folktale using artistic elements that reflect the story’s culture. Her richly colored, delicate drawings are outlined with fine lines and emphasize patterns in nature and human action (notice the groupings of children). Cultural symbols, including colorful kites, foo dogs, yin-yang, animals of the zodiac, and traditional Chinese buildings, appear alongside children shown in classical clothing. All of the action occurs within large circles floating on a white background, lending a distinct once-upon-a-time feel while also reminding the reader of the value of sharing. Tan Tan, a spoiled rich boy, refuses to share “his” tree with Ping, a poor boy. But when he agrees to let Ping purchase just the tree’s shade, Ping ends up with much more than either boy originally planned—though eventually, he even shares his bounty with Tan Tan. Pair with The Little Tree That Would Not Share (2016), by Nicoletta Costa, for another way to be reminded of the virtues and joy of sharing. - Copyright 2016 Booklist.

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