Llama Llama time to share (Llama Llama) Author: Dewdney, Anna | ||
Price: $23.78 |
Llama Llama doesn't want to share his toys with his new neighbors. But when fighting leads to broken toys and tears, Llama learns that it's better to share.Download a Teacher's Guide
Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: LG Reading Level: 1.50 Points: .5 Quiz: 154191 |
Common Core Standards
Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Key Ideas & Details
Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Craft & Structure
Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Kirkus Reviews (08/01/12)
School Library Journal (08/01/12)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 08/01/2012 PreS-KâWhen the new neighbors stop by for a visit, Mama reminds Llama Llama and Nelly Gnu to share. The two youngsters get along well until Nelly plays with Llama Llama's most cherished toy, and a brief scuffle results in Fuzzy Llama's arm being torn off. Not to worry, the toy and friendship are soon mended, leaving everyone anticipating the next playdate. Dewdney's large paintings are bright, bold, and expressive. This picture book will be a pleasure to share with friends, old and gnu.âLaura Butler, Mount Laurel Library, NJ - Copyright 2012 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.