Night in the city Author: Downing, Julie | ||
Price: $23.78 |
When children are fast asleep, some people are hard at work keeping the city safe and clean, and when daylight comes they go home to sleep.
Kirkus Reviews (01/01/23)
Booklist (02/15/23)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/03/23)
The Hornbook (+) (00/03/23)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 02/15/2023 At nightfall in the city, when children are getting ready to sleep, some grown-ups are preparing to leave for work. They lace their boots, put on their name tags, and say goodbye to their families and pets. Some workers drive taxis, while others have jobs in bakeries, hospitals, or hotels. During an emergency, a dispatcher tells the police and fire fighters where to go next. At the museum, a security guard and a janitor are working all night. But at dawn, the workers put on their jackets and head for home, where their neighbors and their families are just waking up. A quiet text leads viewers through this picture book, but it’s the art that is most memorable. Children who are fond of seek-and-find books will particularly enjoy exploring the intricate pictures to find particular characters in different scenes. Created using watercolors, colored pencils, and “digital touches,” Downing’s illustrations show a sure sense of figure drawing and composition as well as an uncommon sensitivity in using color combinations effectively. A beautiful introduction to the city at night. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.