Bound To Stay Bound

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 Eva in the spotlight (Owl Diaries)
 Author: Elliott, Rebecca

 Publisher:  Branches (2020)

 Classification: Fiction
 Physical Description: 70 p., col. ill., 20 cm

 BTSB No: 306965 ISBN: 9781338298765
 Ages: 6-8 Grades: 1-3

 Owls -- Fiction
 Theater -- Fiction
 School stories
 Diaries -- Fiction

Price: $15.44

Eva's class is putting on a play, Snowy White and the seven owlets, but Eva is a little disappointed when she is cast as the Magic Mirror (and Snowy White's understudy); the owl students are making all the sets, props, and costumes, and rehearsal is a little chaotic--but the play is going well until Snowy White hurts her leg and Eva has to fill in for real.

Accelerated Reader Information:
   Interest Level: LG
   Reading Level: 3.20
   Points: .5   Quiz: 508805

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