Different kinds of minds : a guide to your brain Author: Grandin, Temple | ||
Price: $23.78 |
With her knack for making science easy to understand, the author explains different kinds of thinkers: verbal thinkers, who are good with language, and visual thinkers, who think in pictures and patterns and the importance for all types of thinkers to work together to solve problems.
Added Entry - Personal Name: | Koffsky, Ann D |
Kirkus Reviews (10/01/23)
Booklist (10/15/23)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 10/15/2023 This upbeat offering is part memoir, part plea for more hands-on educational experiences, and part explanation of how autistic people think and solve problems differently from what’s considered “normal.” Grandin, an internationally known, though controversial, animal communicator and autism ambassador, draws on the lives of famous thinkers and inventors along with personal experiences from her school days. Citing historical and contemporary examples, she shows how unique perspectives often result in innovative solutions (while stressing the importance of determination and grit). She brings in elements of biology, neurology, psychology, and sociology and, of course, recounts lots of anecdotes involving animals. An inclusive tone is maintained throughout, reassuring readers that everyone has special interests and things that they’re good at and that teens and tweens should follow their interests when they’re considering potential careers. Her final message is that the world needs to respect and depend on all kinds of thinkers to build a better future. Accessible and engaging, this book has multiple curricular applications and will resonate with independent thinkers. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.