Hurry, Kate, or you'll be late! Author: Harrington, Janice N. | ||
Price: $23.78 |
Kate isn't late for preschool because she has her daddy stop along the way so she can say hello to neighbors or look at all the vehicles at a construction site--she's late because once they get there, her daddy gives her a great big hug.
Illustrator: | Rose, Tiffany |
Kirkus Reviews (02/15/23)
Booklist (03/15/23)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 03/15/2023 Kate and her father are working hard during their morning routine to get her ready for preschool. Kate’s dad must get her up, make her breakfast, and fix her hair before school. They must get her stroller and get to the bus stop. On the way to school, they pass several people they know, and Kate wants to say hello. None of those moments delay their arrival, however; ultimately, Kate is late because her dad gives her a long hug before she enters the school building. The author and illustrator craft a realistic and beautifully illustrated story about the bond between a father and a daughter. This book will make a terrific addition to collections of books about families or schools. Background details during Kate's trip to school will be engaging for little ones, who will likely relate to the experience of being rushed out the door. Pair with Matthew A. Cherry's Hair Love (2019) and Karamo Brown and Jason Rachel Brown's I Am Perfectly Designed (2019) for a storytime about father-child bonding. - Copyright 2023 Booklist.