Hear my voice : the testimonies of children detained at the southern border of the United States = Escucha mi voz : los testimonios de ninos detenidos ... | ||
Price: $24.46 |
Introduces a difficult topic, amplifying the voices and experiences of immigrant children detained at the border between Mexico and the US. In English and Spanish.
Compiler: | Binford, Warren |
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Kirkus Reviews (+) (03/15/21)
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Booklist - 06/01/2021 This compilation, written “by children for children,” hauntingly illustrates the trauma endured at border detention centers—specifically at the Clint Border Patrol facility in Texas—and envisions the pilgrimage these children and their families made to pursue safety in the unwelcoming land of American Dreams. In prose accessible to young readers, the book explores the separation, desperation, and disillusionment experienced on these journeys. In two languages—reading in English from one direction and in Spanish from the other direction—it recounts heart-wrenching danger and mistreatment, depicting danger in home countries as a faceless, many-toothed monster reaching out to grab fleeing families, beautiful bird-headed creatures discussing their homelands, and teenage mothers and children parenting other children out of the need for survival. While the anonymity of each child is preserved, their testimonies ring loud and clear on the page, brought to life by 17 different Latinx artists. This collection gives voices and faces to the “children in cages” so often referenced—and yet not discussed enough. - Copyright 2021 Booklist.