Something's wrong! : a bear, a hare, and some underwear Author: John, Jory | ||
Price: $23.78 |
Jeff the bear is sure he has forgotten something when he sets out from home, but none of the animals he meets initially inform him that he is only wearing his underwear, until he reaches his friend Anders the hare--who quickly thinks of a way to avoid embarrassing Jeff, by starting a fashion trend.
Illustrator: | Kraan, Erin |

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Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: LG Reading Level: 2.10 Points: .5 Quiz: 512181 |
Kirkus Reviews (+) (01/15/21)
School Library Journal (+) (04/01/21)
Booklist (09/15/21)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/03/21)
The Hornbook (00/07/21)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 04/01/2021 PreS-Gr 3—The dreaded "I'm out in public only wearing my underwear!" dream comes true for a bear one day and he just doesn't realize why all the other animals in the forest are giving him such strange looks. What sets this gag into a much higher realm of storytelling is the lesson in friendship readers are given when the bear's friend Anders struggles openly with his reaction and then comes to boldly support his friend. Using woodcut prints and digital techniques, Kraan depicts the characters as charming in their puzzlement and hilarious in their underwear. This a wonderful example of illustration adding further to a very funny text. VERDICT Expect hilarity to ensue wherever underwear stories are a hit with the add-on bonus of this being a great title for discussions on the topic of allyship.—John Scott, Friends Sch. of Baltimore - Copyright 2021 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.
Booklist - 09/15/2021 Jeff the Bear is walking through the forest like normal, but he knows something is wrong; he can feel it. As he interacts with woodland creatures, overcompensating with excessive casualness ;to combat his mounting panic that something—but what?—is wrong, the animals each turn and ask the reader, “Why is that Bear wearing underwear?” It takes an honest conversation with his best friend, a hare named Anders, to finally let Jeff know the truth and to redirect the gaze of the whole forest, proving that good friends are as reliable and supportive as a good pair of undies. Don’t let the giddy goofiness of an underwear-driven plot fool you; this is as whip-smart and linguistically sophisticated as the rest of John’s terrific body of work. The ongoing joke of breaking the fourth wall of the book is clever, interactive, and well executed, culminating in a wonderful two-page wordless spread that captures the mounting tension of the moment. The story is strongly supported by Kraan’s richly textured and slightly off-kilter collection of creatures, featuring the most adorably rounded tighty-whitey-clad bear buns you’ve ever seen. - Copyright 2021 Booklist.