Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons (Pete The Cat) Author: Litwin, Eric | ||
Price: $24.48 |
Pete the cat loves the buttons on his shirt so much that he makes up a song about them, and even as the buttons pop off, one by one, he still finds a reason to sing.
Illustrator: | Dean, James |

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Reading Counts Information: Interest Level: K-2 Reading Level: 1.20 Points: 1.0 Quiz: 57900 | ||
Common Core Standards
Grade K → Math → K.CC Counting & Cardinality
Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Key Ideas & Details
Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Craft & Structure
Grade K → Reading → RL Literature → K.RL Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Grade 1 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 1.RL Key Ideas & Details
Grade 1 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 1.RL Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Grade 1 → Reading → RL Reading Literature → 1.RL Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity
Grade 1 → Math → 1.NBT Number & Operations in Base Ten
Kirkus Reviews (04/01/12)
School Library Journal (07/01/12)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (A) (09/12)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 07/01/2012 K-Gr 1—Pete loves his special shirt so much that he just has to sing about it all the time: "My buttons, my buttons,/my four groovy buttons. My buttons, my buttons, my four groovy buttons." It's not one of those songs that will repeat itself in children's heads throughout the day. In fact, it is boring. And, it is a large part of the text. As each button pops off, the song changes to adjust to the number left. The question is asked, "Did Pete cry?/Goodness, no./Buttons come and buttons go." The text is slim and repetitive, and the math problems are very simplistic. The text just does not hold readers' interest, but the illustrations are charming and humorous, with a hint of Chris Raschka's pen and gouache style. The blue-black cat has huge eyes and a deadpan expression as he sits on a skateboard, or a surfboard, while buttons fall off his shirt. No matter what, he maintains a reason to sing. When all the buttons are gone, he remembers he still has a button to sing about: his belly button. Not a first choice.—Mary Hazelton, Elementary Schools in Union, Washington & Waldoboro, ME - Copyright 2012 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.
Bulletin for the Center... - 09/02/2012 This latest installment in the Pete the Cat series opens with Pete putting on his favorite shirt, the one with “four big, colorful, round, groovy buttons”—when all of a sudden (“POP! OH NO!”) a button pops off and rolls away. Pete doesn’t sweat it, though; instead, he goes on to sing about his three buttons, then, when it happens again, his two buttons, his one button, and, finally, when all the buttons have popped, his certain-not-to-pop-off-and-roll-away belly button. While this possesses much of the same catchy readaloud flavor of the previous titles, it is slim on plot and a bit too heavy on repetition. Moreover, while the central lesson of the story seems to be the repeated refrain that “buttons come and buttons go,” young listeners are not likely to care much about the permanence (or impermanence) of buttons, making this a somewhat weak focus for a lesson in going with the flow. Still, the snappy tune is great fun, and the laid-back characterization of Pete juxtaposes perfectly with his wide-eyed expression and cool blue color. Teachers will appreciate the simple subtraction concepts integrated into the text (complete with numeric formulas), and viewers will love the bold acrylic and line compositions. Pair this with previous titles for a Pete-inspired story singalong or share the video version of the story, available online, for a multimedia storytime. HM - Copyright 2012 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.