Antibiotics (A True Book) Author: Orr, Tamra | ||
Price: $16.37 |
Learn all about the history of antibiotics, from how they were first invented to how they impact our lives today.
Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: MG Reading Level: 6.00 Points: .5 Quiz: 185460 |
Common Core Standards
Grade 4 → Reading → RI Informational Text → 4.RI Key Ideas & Details
Grade 4 → Reading → RI Informational Text → 4.RI Craft & Structure
Grade 4 → Reading → RI Informational Text → 4.RI Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Grade 5 → Reading → RI Informational Text → 5.RI Key Ideas & Details
Grade 5 → Reading → RI Informational Text → 5.RI Craft & Structure
Grade 5 → Reading → RI Informational Text → 5.RI Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Booklist (02/15/17)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 02/15/2017 The books in the A True Book: Greatest Discoveries and Discoverers series feature discoveries within specific disciplines. Each volume includes an introduction to the field and its historical background, discoveries from recent decades, and possible future directions, as suggested by current research and technological developments. Antibiotics looks at how the overuse of these drugs has led to resistant bacteria and mentions some areas of promising research into new medications. Wide-spaced lines, large type, and many color photos give the pages an accessible look, even for readers who find the vocabulary challenging at times. As can be expected from the long-running, reliable True Books line, this series offers historical perspective and up-to-date information in a familiar format. - Copyright 2017 Booklist.