Don't eat bees : (life lessons from Chip the dog) (Life Lessons From Chip The Dog) Author: Petty, Dev | ||
Price: $23.78 |
Chip the dog shares the wisdom of his seven fruitful years of eating things he shouldn't.
Illustrator: | Boldt, Mike |
Accelerated Reader Information: Interest Level: LG Reading Level: 1.90 Points: .5 Quiz: 517132 |
Kirkus Reviews (05/01/22)
Booklist (05/01/22)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/03/22)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 05/01/2022 This romping read-aloud, by the duo that produced the popular I Don’t Want to Be a Frog series, stars a mutt with a message for all other dogs: “Don’t eat bees.” The mutt, Chip, who has a wide circle around one eye and a huge snout, first establishes that he’s smart. Chip knows that you can dig 30 holes for 30 bones or put all 30 bones in 1 hole. Experience has taught him that just about everything is on the menu for dogs, except for bees. Chip has an expansive list of what’s fine for dogs to eat, including socks, homework, and the Thanksgiving turkey, but each cluster of “OK” foods is followed by the refrain “But not bees.” Readers will start to suspect that Chip is a little obsessed with bees, and there’s a comic sequence toward the end that shows just how Chip got that way. The bright, bouncy illustrations carry the hilarity; scenes like the wreck of the Thanksgiving dinner table abound. Funny and involving. - Copyright 2022 Booklist.