When the schools shut down : a young girl's story of Virginia's "lost generation" and the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision Author: Gladden, Yolanda | ||
Price: $23.78 |
Tells the story of a young African American girl who lived during the shutdown of public schools in Farmville, Virginia, following the landmark civil rights case Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka.
Added Entry - Personal Name: | Pizzoli, Tamara |
Illustrator: | Morris, Keisha |
Kirkus Reviews (12/15/21)
School Library Journal (04/01/22)
Booklist (11/01/21)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/12/21)
Full Text Reviews:
Booklist - 11/01/2021 In 1954, Yolanda Gladden was born in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and the Supreme Court handed down the Brown v. Board of Education decision, mandating the desegregation of schools. Yet in 1959, when Yolanda was old enough to begin her formal education, local authorities decided to close the county’s schools rather than integrate them. Some in the Black community protested in the streets, while others organized schools to educate their children, meeting in homes and churches for the duration. Besides traditional subjects, Yolanda learned Black history in the basement of First Baptist Church. And in 1964, when the county was forced to reopen and desegregate its schools, she was well prepared academically and proud of her heritage. Spotlighting an often-overlooked aspect of civil rights history, the text portrays Gladden as a child within a strong community that rose up against injustice, protected its children, and provided them with hope for a better future. The vibrant digital illustrations feature elements of color and texture created using layered tissue-paper collage. An attractive, informative picture book on school desegregation. - Copyright 2021 Booklist.
School Library Journal - 04/01/2022 Gr 2–5—Many students will know about the desegregation of schools in the late 1950s and 1960s, or will have heard the story of Ruby Bridges. Few may realize that the state of Virginia was so opposed to integration that they closed public school for five years. Yolanda, a Black girl with deep ties to her community, wanted to go to school, but the lawmakers who were getting white students to private schools weren't helping her at all. A detailed bibliography makes it possible for students to do further research on this lesser known piece of history. For raising awareness of the tiered fates of the students in Virginia (and likely elsewhere), this book is an excellent starting place. But the text lurches from poetic notion to historical ones with little transition: "The year Yolanda Gladden was born, the United States looked much different than it does today. The country's cars, clothes, land, and even laws reflected old ideas—some were classic, and others were simply cold." As an opening line, this does not orient readers to what they are about discover. The artwork in the book is vibrant and engaging, giving readers strong images to go along with the text. VERDICT For those wanting to learn more about segregation and desegregation beyond Brown vs. the Board of Education, this is a necessary addition, despite its flaws.—Debbie Tanner - Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.