Moonlight Author: Savage, Stephen | ||
Price: $23.78 |
In the quiet hours of the night, moonlight makes its journey through the sky, over land and water, and finally into a child's bedroom.
Kirkus Reviews (06/01/22)
School Library Journal (+) (09/01/22)
Booklist (09/01/22)
The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (00/07/22)
The Hornbook (00/07/22)
Full Text Reviews:
School Library Journal - 09/01/2022 PreS-Gr 1—"Something is on the move" are the opening words of this story, which begins with a bit of mystery. At first it seems that the something might be a deer or a waterfall, but readers soon recognize that moonlight is not only the title but also the subject of the book. The light appears on mountaintops and valleys and wends its way through town and eventually into a child's bedroom. Muted blues and greens along with black and white are the sole colors used consistently and create a quiet mood. Simple, elegant language accentuates the peaceful tone in this poetic musing on a regular but fascinating nighttime event. There's not much overt action here, but for a soothing bedtime meditation, this story fits the bill. VERDICT Ideal for collections seeking quiet stories stronger in lyrical language and evocative artwork than plot. The book is also inspiration for discussions on what nearly invisible influences move through the world, day or night.—Gloria Koster - Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.
School Library Journal - 09/01/2022 - Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.
School Library Journal - 09/01/2022 - Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly, Library Journal and/or School Library Journal used with permission.
Booklist - 09/01/2022 “Something is on the move.” But what could it be? Short, simple yet lyrical and evenly paced text gives children clues about the mysterious entity. Action words relate its constant movement, whether “swinging through the trees,” “tumbling over a waterfall,” or “hopping off on a mountain.” Textured linocuts in blues and teals and geometric shapes form glittering nighttime scenes in the wild, with touches of luminous white set against clouds, waves, and mountains offering more clues. A train track helps transition young readers from the outdoors to an urban setting, where a child sleeps and the bright white has faded to a light blue. Just when readers might realize they’ve been following moonlight throughout the picture book, the child wakes to sunlight casting morning shadows. “Don’t worry,” soothes the text in response, while a final scene with a full moon above the child’s room reassures that the moonlight will return in the evening. Imagery from the wild in the child’s bedroom subtly builds this connection. A beautiful tribute to the moon for bedtime—or anytime. - Copyright 2022 Booklist.