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Swarm of bees [Learn About Animals]by Caprioli, Claire 

BTSB Prebound(Children's Press, 2023)

BTSB #: 185789 Available

Dewey: 595.79/NAges: 6-9   
Lexile: 580 F&P: L

Subjects: Bees Bees - Behavior Bees - Nomenclature (Popular)

Summary: What do you call a group of bees? A swarm! Discover why this interesting insect lives in groups, where they live, and what they eat.

15.44 *

Why do we need bees? [Nature We Need]by Murray, Laura K. 

Paperback(Pebble, 2024)

BTSB #: 665546 Available

Dewey: 595.79/NAges: 5-8   
AR: 3.1 LG Lexile: 500 F&P: N

Subjects: Bees Bees - Behavior Bees - Conservation

Summary: Does the buzzing of a bee make you want to run away? Well, those little insects do a lot more than sting! They help pollinate a lot of plants. We wouldn't have honey without them. And we've learned a lot from the homes they build. Discover why BEES are important to our world.

6.55 *

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