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Dragonbreath [Dragonbreath]by Vernon, Ursula 

Paperback(Puffin Books, 2012)

BTSB #: 908571 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.3 LG RC: 4.3 3-5 Lexile: 700

Genres: Humorous Fiction Animals

Subjects: Marine animals - Fiction Marine ecology - Fiction School stories Dragons - Fiction Bullies - Fiction Sargasso Sea - Fiction

Summary: Danny Dragonbreath and his friend Wendell get an underwater tour of the Sargasso Sea from Danny's sea-serpent cousin--and they learn about standing up to bullies in the process.

7.37 *

Dragonbreath [Dragonbreath]by Vernon, Ursula 

BTSB Prebound(Dial Books, 2009)

BTSB #: 908572 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.3 LG RC: 4.3 3-5 Lexile: 700

Genres: Humorous Fiction Animals

Subjects: Marine animals - Fiction Marine ecology - Fiction School stories Dragons - Fiction Bullies - Fiction Sargasso Sea - Fiction

Summary: Danny Dragonbreath and his friend Wendell get an underwater tour of the Sargasso Sea from Danny's sea-serpent cousin--and they learn about standing up to bullies in the process.

Tide pool troubles [Shelby & Watts Volume: #1]by Anstee, Ashlyn 

BTSB Prebound(Viking, 2021)

BTSB #: 063896 Available

Dewey: EAges: 6-8   
Lexile: 520 GN F&P: O

Genres: Mystery Fiction Animals Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Foxes - Fiction Badgers - Fiction Mystery fiction Marine ecology - Fiction Beaches - Fiction Humorous fiction

Summary: Shelby loves a good mystery. And her best friend, Watts, is never without his encyclopedia. When Shelby gets a letter from Fred the hermit crab claiming all the shells are missing from the beach, she and Watts are just the duo to help him. With Shelby's deductive skills and Watts's scientific knowledge, there's no case the two of them can't solve--one environmental mystery at a time. Some pages in graphic novel format.

19.08 *

Tide pool troubles [Shelby & Watts Volume: #1]by Anstee, Ashlyn 

Paperback(Viking, 2022)

BTSB #: 063897 Available

Dewey: EAges: 6-8   
Lexile: 520 GN F&P: O

Genres: Mystery Fiction Animals Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Foxes - Fiction Badgers - Fiction Mystery fiction Marine ecology - Fiction Beaches - Fiction Humorous fiction

Summary: Shelby loves a good mystery. And her best friend, Watts, is never without his encyclopedia. When Shelby gets a letter from Fred the hermit crab claiming all the shells are missing from the beach, she and Watts are just the duo to help him. With Shelby's deductive skills and Watts's scientific knowledge, there's no case the two of them can't solve--one environmental mystery at a time. Some pages in graphic novel format.

6.55 *

Whale of the wild by Parry, Rosanne 

Paperback(Greenwillow Books, 2021)

BTSB #: 700616 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.6 MG

Genres: Adventure Fiction Animals

Subjects: Killer whales - Fiction Adventure fiction Marine ecology - Fiction

Summary: After an earthquake and tsunami in the Salish Sea, Vega, a young orca whale, leads her brother on a tumultuous journey to be reunited with their pod. An illustrated novel that explores family bonds, survival, global warming, and a changing seascape.

8.19 *

Whale of the wild by Parry, Rosanne 

BTSB Prebound(Greenwillow Books, 2020)

BTSB #: 702267 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.6 MG

Genres: Adventure Fiction Animals

Subjects: Killer whales - Fiction Adventure fiction Marine ecology - Fiction

Summary: After an earthquake and tsunami in the Salish Sea, Vega, a young orca whale, leads her brother on a tumultuous journey to be reunited with their pod. An illustrated novel that explores family bonds, survival, global warming, and a changing seascape.

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