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Are some sports unsafe for kids? [What Do You Think?]by Davis, Raymie 

Paperback New title.(Gareth Stevens, 2023)

BTSB #: 261577 Temp OS

Dewey: 796.083/NAges: 7-10   

Subjects: Sports - Safety measures Sports injuries

Summary: Sports are fun activities that help kids get outside, exercise, and learn to work together on a team. But they can also cause serious injuries such as concussions and broken bones. Some people argue sports are essential to a healthy childhood, while others say that avoiding certain sports can keep kids safe.

7.09 *

What makes sports gear safer? [Engineering keeps us safe]by Kurtz, Kevin 

BTSB Prebound(Lerner, 2016)

BTSB #: 535240 Available

Dewey: 796.028/NAges: 9-12   
AR: 5.3 MG RC: 5.4 3-5 Lexile: 830 F&P: W

Subjects: Sports - Safety measures Sporting goods Sports - Technological innovations

Summary: This book uses engineering, science, and common sense to examine the clothing and sports equipment technology we have in place to keep us safe.

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