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Unsinkable Walker Bean and the knights of the waxing moon [Unsinkable Walker Bean Volume: 2]by Renier, Aaron 

BTSB Prebound(First Second, 2018)

BTSB #: 746644 Available

Dewey: 741.5/NAges: 9-14   
Lexile: 100 GN

Subjects: Graphic novels Shipwrecks - Fiction Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc. - Fiction Adventure fiction

Summary: After their perilous encounter with the sea-witches, the pirate crew of the Jacklight find refuge on a deserted island, but shadowy creatures have been spotted in the jungle, and when Walker, Shiv, and Genoa discover mysterious ruins, the dark history of the archipelago begins to unravel.

6.50 *

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