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It's not Little Red Riding Hood [It's not a fairy tale Volume: Book 3]by Funk, Josh 

BTSB Prebound(Two Lions, 2020)

BTSB #: 361528 In Bindery

Dewey: EAges: 4-8   
AR: 2.5 LG Lexile: 540

Genres: Fairy Tales Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Humorous fiction Fairy tales Characters and characteristics in literature - Fiction

Summary: Little Red likes to play by the rules. So when the narrator comes along and asks her to follow the story set out in her fairy tale, she grabs the basket for Grandma and goes. As Little Red attempts to follow the narrator's directions (which, frankly, seem kind of dangerous!), she is beset by fill-in characters, confusing instructions, and even a fierce battle! Will Little Red ever make it to Grandma's house? And who will she find when she gets there?

22.58 *

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