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Total Price: $36.83 *
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Don't swap your sweater for a dog [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #3]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2016)

BTSB #: 064862 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   
AR: 2.9 LG Lexile: 540

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Dogs - Training - Fiction Sweaters - Fiction Contests - Fiction School stories Humorous fiction

Summary: Determined to win a trophy of some kind, first-grader Roscoe swaps a hand-knitted sweater from his grandmother for the chance to enter his new neighbor's very clever dog in a trick contest.

5.73 *

Don't tap-dance on your teacher [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #5]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2016)

BTSB #: 064861 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   
Lexile: 450

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Tap dancing - Fiction Talent shows - Fiction Self-confidence - Fiction School stories Humorous fiction

Summary: Roscoe cannot wait to tap dance in the school talent show until some older boys make fun of him and say that tap dancing is just for girls.

5.73 *

Never glue your friends to chairs [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #1]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2015)

BTSB #: 064981 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Helping behavior - Fiction Glue - Fiction School stories Humorous fiction

Summary: When the first-graders' bee antennae would not stay on their heads and the drummers would not stay in their seats for the open house play, Roscoe decides to help by using the "don't-you-dare" glue.

5.73 *

Never race a runaway pumpkin [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #7]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2017)

BTSB #: 064983 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   
RC: 2.6 5-8 Lexile: 620

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Superstition - Fiction Luck - Fiction Cats - Fiction Humorous fiction

Summary: Roscoe is determined to guess the weight of a giant pumpkin in order to win books for his school library and candy for himself, but is overwhelmed by superstitions, especially about a certain black kitten.

4.09 *

Never swim in applesauce [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #4]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2016)

BTSB #: 064982 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   
Lexile: 580

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Field trips - Fiction Apples - Fiction Humorous fiction

Summary: When first-grader Roscoe Riley goes on a school field trip to an apple orchard carrying his sister's fortune-telling ball, the outlook is cloudy.

4.09 *

Never swipe a bully's bear [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #2]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2016)

BTSB #: 064984 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   
Lexile: 540

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Toys - Fiction Lost and found possessions - Fiction Bullies - Fiction School stories Humorous fiction

Summary: When first-grader Roscoe discovers that his stuffed pig is missing from his backpack, he accuses the class bully of "pig-napping" and gets even by taking the bully's teddy bear.

5.73 *

Never walk in shoes that talk [Roscoe Riley Rules Volume: #6]by Applegate, Katherine 

Paperback(Harper, 2016)

BTSB #: 064986 Available

Dewey: FAges: 6-10   
Lexile: 610

Genres: Chapter Books Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Shoes - Fiction Popularity - Fiction School stories Humorous fiction

Summary: Having gotten a pair of hard-to-find Walkie Talkie shoes, Roscoe is suddenly popular and wants his best friend, Gus, to join the fun, but before Gus's parents will buy him new shoes, he must wear out his long-lasting sneakers.

5.73 *

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