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Data and memory [First coding]by Thompson, Sam 

Paperback(Gareth Stevens, 2022)

BTSB #: 855938 Available

Dewey: 4.5/NAges: 7-9   

Subjects: Computer storage devices Computer programming Coding theory

Summary: Readers will be excited to learn what coding and computers can actually accomplish with data and memory using bits, bytes, and variables.

7.50 *

Data and memory [First coding]by Thompson, Sam 

BTSB Prebound(Gareth Stevens, 2022)

BTSB #: 855944 Available

Dewey: 4.5/NAges: 7-9   

Subjects: Computer storage devices Computer programming Coding theory

Summary: Readers will be excited to learn what coding and computers can actually accomplish with data and memory using bits, bytes, and variables.

15.95 *

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