Search Results You are viewing: Subject Search for france - history|y15th century - fictionSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items 1 each from this page1 each from all results 1 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 Simply add a title by clicking the . * Your Discounted Price Unfortunate son by Leeds, Constance BTSB Prebound(Viking, 2012)Publication Date: 06/14/2012 BTSB #: 556857 Available Dewey: FAges: 11-14 AR: 4.6 MG RC: 4.3 6-8 Lexile: 690 Genres: Historical Fiction Subjects: Identity (Psychology) - Fiction Luck - Fiction Birth defects - Fiction Fishing - Fiction Slavery - Fiction Kidnapping - Fiction France - History|y15th century - Fiction Africa - History|yTo 1498 - Fiction Summary: Luc, a youth born with one ear and raised by a drunken father in fifteenth-century France, finds a better home with fisherman Pons, his sister Mattie, and their ward Beatrice, the daughter of a disgraced knight, and even after being kidnapped and sold into slavery in Africa, he remains remarkably fortunate. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 6.50 * 0.00 +- * Your Discounted Price You can't see me! I am INVISIBLE! 1 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 1 each from this page1 each from all results You are viewing: Subject Search for france - history|y15th century - fictionSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items Loading...