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Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear by Brun-Cosme, Nadine 

BTSB Prebound(Random House Studio, 2023)

BTSB #: 163462 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-8   

Genres: Animals

Subjects: Friendship - Fiction Relaxation - Fiction Rabbits - Fiction Ducks - Fiction Bears - Fiction

Summary: Rabbit, Duck, and Big Bear, who do everything together, discover the importance of taking time to spend by themselves.

23.28 *

Take a breath by Rim, Sujean 

BTSB Prebound(Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2022)

BTSB #: 754360 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-8   

Genres: Animals Humorous Fiction

Subjects: Birds - Fiction Flight - Fiction Respiration exercises - Fiction Relaxation - Fiction Self-confidence - Fiction

Summary: Bob the bird keeps trying to fly, but is beginning to worry that he will never succeed when Crow comes by with a suggestion to "just breathe."

22.58 *

Tossy-turny princess and the pesky pea : a fairy tale to help you fall asleep [Feel-good fairy tales Volume: Book 2]by Verde, Susan 

BTSB Prebound(Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2021)

BTSB #: 908099 Available

Dewey: EAges: 4-8   
F&P: N

Genres: Fairy Tales

Subjects: Insomnia - Fiction Princesses - Fiction Relaxation - Fiction Bedtime - Fiction Animals - Fiction

Summary: After a pea accidentally gets between her mattresses, a busy princess has trouble falling asleep but with help from the gardener, cook, librarian, and astronomer she learns to relax her mind and body. Includes directions for a yoga and meditation bedtime routine.

22.58 *

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