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Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items 1 each from this page1 each from all results 11 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 Simply add a title by clicking the . * Your Discounted Price First conspiracy : the secret plot to kill George Washington by Meltzer, Brad BTSB Prebound(Roaring Brook Press, 2020)Publication Date: 01/07/2020 BTSB #: 636175 Available Dewey: 973.4/NAges: 8-12 AR: 9 MG+ Lexile: 1180 Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 Attempted assassination Generals United States - History|y1600-1775, Colonial period United States - History|y1775-1783, Revolution Summary: The secret assassination attempt on George Washington and how the plot paved the way for the creation of the CIA and the FBI more than a century later. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 6.50 * 0.00 +- First conspiracy : the secret plot to kill George Washington by Meltzer, Brad Audio Book(Findaway World, LLC, 2020)Publication Date: 01/07/2020 BTSB #: P08035 Available Dewey: 973.4/NAges: 8-12 Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 Attempted assassination Generals United States - History|y1600-1775, Colonial period United States - History|y1775-1783, Revolution Summary: The secret assassination attempt on George Washington and how the plot paved the way for the creation of the CIA and the FBI more than a century later. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 56.99 * 0.00 +- I am George Washington [Ordinary people change the world]by Meltzer, Brad BTSB Prebound(Dial Books for Young Readers, 2016)Publication Date: 09/06/2016 BTSB #: 636303 Available Dewey: 973.4/BAges: 6-8 AR: 3.6 LG RC: 3.2 K-2 Lexile: 560 Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 Presidents Generals Summary: This fun biography focuses on the traits that made our first president great. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 21.68 * 0.00 +- Lafayette and the American Revolution by Freedman, Russell BTSB Prebound(Holiday House, 2010)Publication Date: 09/15/2010 BTSB #: 352832 Available Dewey: 355.0092/BAges: 10-14 AR: 8.4 MG RC: 10.6 6-8 Lexile: 1160 NC Genres: Subjects: Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, - marquis de,|d1757-1834 Generals Statesmen United States - History|y1775-1783, Revolution Summary: A daring French soldier's role in the American Revolution. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 6.50 * 0.00 +- Download a Teacher's Guide Samurai rising : the epic life of Minamoto Yoshitsune by Turner, Pamela S. Paperback(Charlesbridge, 2016)Publication Date: 03/13/2018 BTSB #: 894511 Available Dewey: 952/BAges: 12-16 AR: 7.2 UG RC: 7.4 9-12 Lexile: 950 Genres: Subjects: Minamoto, Yoshitsune,|d1159-1189 Generals Samurai Japan - History|yHeian period, 794-1185 Summary: The biography of Minamoto Yoshitsune from his seemingly doomed infancy to his rise as one of the most famous samurai in Japanese history. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 8.19 * 0.00 +- Soy George Washington [Gente Comun Y Corriente Que Cambio El Mundo (Ordinary People Change The World)]by Meltzer, Brad PaperbackSPANISH(Vista, 2024)Publication Date: 04/20/2023 BTSB #: 636483 Available Dewey: 973.4/BAges: 6-8 AR: 3 LG Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 Presidents Generals Spanish language - Reading materials Summary: This fun biography focuses on the traits that made our first president great. In Spanish. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 12.26 * 0.00 +- Soy George Washington [Gente Comun Y Corriente Que Cambio El Mundo (Ordinary People Change The World)]by Meltzer, Brad BTSB PreboundSPANISH(Vista, 2024)Publication Date: 04/21/2023 BTSB #: 636484 Available Dewey: 973.4/BAges: 6-8 AR: 3 LG Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 Presidents Generals Spanish language - Reading materials Summary: This fun biography focuses on the traits that made our first president great. In Spanish. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 20.96 * 0.00 +- Who was George Washington? [Who Was-- ?]by Edwards, Roberta Paperback(Penguin Workshop, 2009)Publication Date: 01/08/2009 BTSB #: 303844 Temp OS Dewey: 973.4/BAges: 8-12 AR: 5 MG RC: 4.4 3-5 Lexile: 720 Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 United States.|bArmy - Biography Presidents Generals Summary: In 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States. He has been called the father of our country for leading America through its early years. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 4.91 * 0.00 +- Who was George Washington? [Who Was-- ?]by Edwards, Roberta BTSB Prebound(Penguin Workshop, 2021)Publication Date: 01/08/2009 BTSB #: 303857 Available Dewey: 973.4/BAges: 8-12 AR: 5 MG RC: 4.4 3-5 Lexile: 720 Genres: Subjects: Washington, George,|d1732-1799 United States.|bArmy - Biography Presidents Generals Summary: In 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States. He has been called the father of our country for leading America through its early years. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 15.49 * 0.00 +- Who was Ulysses S. Grant? [Who Was-- ?]by Stine, Megan BTSB Prebound(Penguin Workshop, 2014)Publication Date: 06/26/2014 BTSB #: 854932 Available Dewey: 973.8/BAges: 8-12 AR: 4.8 MG RC: 4.2 3-5 F&P: U Genres: Subjects: Grant, Ulysses S.|q(Ulysses Simpson),|d1822-1885 United States.|bArmy - Biography Presidents Generals Summary: Ulysses S. Grant never wanted to be a soldier and was terrified when he first saw battle. Grant rose to what the times required. He took command of Union forces, helped bring the war to an end in 1865, and went on to serve two terms as president. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 15.49 * 0.00 +- Who was Ulysses S. Grant? [Who Was-- ?]by Stine, Megan Paperback(Penguin Workshop, 2014)Publication Date: 06/26/2014 BTSB #: 855200 Temp OS Dewey: 973.8/BAges: 8-12 AR: 4.8 MG RC: 4.2 3-5 F&P: U Genres: Subjects: Grant, Ulysses S.|q(Ulysses Simpson),|d1822-1885 United States.|bArmy - Biography Presidents Generals Summary: Ulysses S. Grant never wanted to be a soldier and was terrified when he first saw battle. Grant rose to what the times required. He took command of Union forces, helped bring the war to an end in 1865, and went on to serve two terms as president. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 5.73 * 0.00 +- * Your Discounted Price You can't see me! I am INVISIBLE! 11 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 1 each from this page1 each from all results You are viewing: Subject Search for generalsSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. 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