Search Results You are viewing: Subject Search for speedSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items 1 each from this page1 each from all results 6 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 Simply add a title by clicking the . * Your Discounted Price Extreme comparisons by Graham, Ian BTSB Prebound(Book House, 2014)Publication Date: 01/15/2014 BTSB #: 558454 Available Dewey: 600/NAges: 8-12 Genres: Subjects: Size Strength Speed Curiosities and wonders Summary: Takes a look at the "biggest, strongest, fastest" in both technology and the animal world. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 6.50 * 0.00 +- Fastest girl on Earth! : meet Kitty O'Neil, daredevil driver! by Robbins, Dean BTSB Prebound(Knopf, 2021)Publication Date: 08/10/2021 BTSB #: 757807 Available Dewey: 796/BAges: 4-8 Lexile: 560 AD Genres: Subjects: O'Neil, Kitty Women athletes - Biography Cherokee women - Biography Native American women - Biography Deaf Speed Stunt performers - Biography Summary: Kitty O'Neil was a force to be reckoned with. She jumped, ran, raced, and swam, all while learning to read lips and communicating through sign language. Eventually, Kitty took a job as a stuntwoman, doing the most dangerous job on set and even filming stunts for films and television shows like Wonder Woman! Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 24.48 * 0.00 +- Measuring speed [Measure It With Math]by O'Daly, Anne Paperback(PowerKids, 2024)Publication Date: 07/30/2023 BTSB #: 685949 Temp OS Dewey: 530/NAges: 9-11 Genres: Subjects: Measurement Mathematics Speed Summary: Did you know cheetahs can run 70 miles per hour? How do we know this? In this book, readers learn how to measure speeds like that of a cheetah using a simple formula and metric and imperial units. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 9.02 * 0.00 +- Run for your life! : predators and prey on the African savanna by Schaefer, Lola M. BTSB Prebound(Holiday House, 2016)Publication Date: 06/15/2016 BTSB #: 782010 Available Dewey: 591.7/NAges: 4-8 Lexile: 560 AD Genres: Subjects: Savanna animals Animal locomotion Speed Summary: On the savannah, animals--including leopards, impalas, eagles, hares and hippos--use locomotion to capture prey and escape predators. Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 22.36 * 0.00 +- Download a Teacher's Guide Top ten fastest wonders in the world [World's Top Ten]by Allan, John BTSB Prebound(Hungry Tomato, 2025)Publication Date: 01/01/2025 BTSB #: 052048 In Bindery Dewey: 1/NAges: 7-10 F&P: Q Genres: Subjects: Curiosities and wonders Speed Summary: Explore the fastest things ever! Invites curious kids on an exciting adventure to explore the fastest wonders that our world has to offer--blink and you might miss them! Discover the world's fastest bird, the type of bamboo that can grow up to a meter a day, the quickest train ever made, and so much more! Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 26.58 * 0.00 +- Top ten slowest wonders in the world [World's Top Ten]by Allan, John BTSB Prebound(Hungry Tomato, 2025)Publication Date: 01/01/2025 BTSB #: 052051 In Bindery Dewey: 1/NAges: 7-10 F&P: Q Genres: Subjects: Curiosities and wonders Speed Summary: Take your time exploring the slowest things ever! Invites curious kids on an amusing adventure to explore the slowest wonders that our world has to offer! Discover the slowest plane ever that could be overtaken by a bicycle, the world's slowest heartbeat, the sloth that moves slow enough for plants to grow on it, and so much more! Priority: 12 Item No: Comment: $ 26.58 * 0.00 +- * Your Discounted Price You can't see me! I am INVISIBLE! 6 total titles found Page 1 of 1 View page of 1 1 1 each from this page1 each from all results You are viewing: Subject Search for speedSort By Age Sort By Author Sort By Availability Sort By Dewey Sort By Media, Author, Title Sort By Price Sort By Pub. Year Sort by Relevance,Author Sort by Relevance,Title Sort By Stoplight Sort By Title Sort by Language Display 10 items Display 15 items Display 20 items Display 25 items Display 30 items Display 35 items Display 40 items Display 45 items Display 50 items Loading...